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3 intensives in January 2023: 7th & 8th, 14th & 15th, and 21st & 22nd
10:30 am to 5:30 pm
Email to register

Each class is a one weekend intensive where students will have the opportunity to work continuously from a model for two full days, working on a series of poses throughout the weekend. We will be working in the medium of gouache, and exploring its many applications and qualities. How to layer, how to preserve luminosity, how to combine transparency and opacity into the same image, working wet vs. working dry, and more.  


There are four slots per class. Please come with a readiness to devote yourself for the weekend! Any level of experience is welcome.

Time will also be given to art historical discussions and group critiques.


$225 for one weekend intensive

Optional additional $25 materials fee

Students can bring their own supplies or opt for a $25 materials fee to use provided materials at the studio.

Gouache -- Suggested colors: Ultramarine blue, Cobalt blue, Cadmium red deep, Cadmium red light (or Vermillion), Venetian red (any earth red), Cadmium orange, Cadmium yellow lemon, Cadmium yellow medium, Naples yellow, Chromium green oxide, Permanent green light, Linden green, Turquoise, Violet, Magenta, White, Black.  (Suggested brand: Winsor Newton)
•Paper towels
•Approximately 5 watercolor brushes in a variety of sizes and shapes
2” flat brush
1” flat brush

2-3 rounds in a range of sizes
1 liner brush.
•Coldpress watercolor paper: 4 sheets of 22 x 30 140 lb  cold press watercolor paper
•Optional surface: ⅛” Clayboard (not included in $25 materials fee) (any sizes between 9x12” and 16x20”)

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